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Diesel fuel direct injection systems hydrodynamics simulation

Posted on:2002-02-05Degree:DrType:Thesis
University:Universidad Politecnica de Valencia (Spain)Candidate:Rodriguez Cervantes, Pablo JesusFull Text:PDF
The aim of the present thesis is to develop one physically simple calculation code, in order to model de 90% hydrodynamics of a given injection system (injection lines, depots, mobile elements). The other 10%, i.e., those phenomena which are difficult to simulate (like some cavitation effects or unknown geometries effects) are determined by means of an experimental characterisation of the corresponding elements (that is made for ail the system operating range).; The first part of the made job consisted of the developing of a calculation code that let to combine different basic types of elements, and to generate the model for a given injection system.; When de critical points of the given system were identified, it was developed one particular methodology for each one of the parameters to characterise. Once these parameters were characterised, the resulting information was injected to the model.; In the next step, every developed model was validated with experimental measurements (line pressure, mass injection rate, needle lift) of the system operating on injection test bench.; Finally, with a validated model of a given system, some examples of the different applications of a model like to diagnose possible failures in its operation, and to explore different configurations over the reference one, in order to get one specific form for the mass injection rate, are presented.
Keywords/Search Tags:Injection, System, Model
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