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Changes in the mechanical behavior of non-plastic silt due to drained aging

Posted on:2003-11-19Degree:Ph.DType:Thesis
University:Michigan Technological UniversityCandidate:Zarling, John CFull Text:PDF
For the past 20 years researchers at Michigan Technological University have observed the aging phenomenon in non-plastic silt size material. Previous studies have not been performed to investigate the effects of this phenomenon on the pore size distribution and the shear strength of the soil. These effects will be the topic of this thesis.; Samples of non-plastic silt size material were consolidated at pressures of 100, 240, and 480 kPa for one hour and five days. From these samples pore size distributions were determined in both the horizontal and vertical direction with the aid of image processing. It was shown that as the pore size distribution of a sample is shifted, an increase in smaller pores and a decrease in larger pores occurs due to drained aging.; Samples were also tested in triaxial compression for which it was shown that the undrained shear strength increases with drained aging time. It was also shown that the liquefaction potential decreases with drained aging time. The triaxial tests were performed at consolidation stresses of 100, 240 and 480 kPa and aged for 1 hour, 1 day and 5 days.; Due to drained aging, the pore size range decreased and the strength of non-plastic silt size material increased. Drained aging also caused an increase of the internal friction of the material due to a decrease in the pore size range, which caused an increase in the contact areas of the particles.
Keywords/Search Tags:Non-plastic silt, Aging, Size, Due
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