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Autonomous longitude and eccentricity control of geostationary spacecraft

Posted on:2003-11-23Degree:M.SType:Thesis
University:San Jose State UniversityCandidate:Emma, Brian PatrickFull Text:PDF
In order to lower the cost of maintaining satellites in orbit, spacecraft designers are seeking flight software that provides more autonomy. Longitude station-keeping and eccentricity are good candidates for autonomous control. The algorithm presented in this paper couples longitude control with eccentricity control. After the basic longitude control algorithm was written, a differential correction scheme was added resulting in an improved longitude error of +/− 0.015 degrees longitude. Finally, longitude control and two-part maneuvers for eccentricity control were implemented. The result is good longitude control and eccentricity control to the mission constraints desired.
Keywords/Search Tags:Eccentricity control, Longitude
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