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N-factors and the relations between air and surface temperature in discontinuous permafrost near Mayo, Yukon Territory

Posted on:2004-06-01Degree:M.ScType:Thesis
University:Carleton University (Canada)Candidate:Karunaratne, Kumari CFull Text:PDF
GTID:2462390011466918Subject:Physical geography
Air and surface temperatures were measured for one year at five sites with different permafrost conditions near Mayo, Yukon Territory, to examine the behaviour of freezing and thawing n-factors and the relations between air and surface temperatures. During the freezing season, surface temperatures were lower where the snow cover was thin. Where snow covers were similar, surface temperatures were lower where permafrost was present. The freezing n-factor is controlled primarily by snow, but also by subsurface thermal conditions. During the thawing season, surface temperatures were higher where the near-surface thermal diffusivity allowed for rapid descent of the frost table. The thawing n-factor is primarily controlled by near-surface thermal diffusivity. The freezing n-factor is representative of the relation between air and surface temperature only during the mid season, while the thawing n-factor is representative of mid-season conditions when the mid season is longer than the early season.
Keywords/Search Tags:Surface, N-factor, Permafrost, Conditions, Season, Thawing
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