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Rock the Field

Posted on:2012-03-03Degree:M.F.AType:Thesis
University:San Jose State UniversityCandidate:Long, LauraFull Text:PDF
The title of this screenplay, Rock the Field, is a color guard slang term for performing with power. This script is a narrative feature length film that looks at marching band competition from the point of view of a 16-year-old high school color guard girl, Chloe Johnson. Underneath the dynamics of the intensity of the competition, this is actually a story about Chloe and her mother Sarah rediscovering their strength to carry on in life while mourning the sudden loss of Chloe's father to cancer. The script is structured with Joseph Campbell's Hero's Journey, except in this case the heroes are women who conquer their situation on their own.
Keywords/Search Tags:Color guard
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