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Inverse design of two-dimensional turbomachinery cascades: The thickness

Posted on:2004-08-30Degree:M.ScType:Thesis
University:University of Alberta (Canada)Candidate:Sideroff, Christopher NicholasFull Text:PDF
A new technique to inverse design the thickness of turbomachinery blades has been developed. Coupled with the design of the camberline, this design procedure allows the designer to specify a prescribed turning distribution along with the total amount of turning to generate a two dimensional turbomachinery cascade. The procedure consists of a two dimensional flow field integrator, thickness generator, camberline generator and a passage averaged momentum/pressure boundary condition where the blade is updated in response to the prescribed turning distribution.The blade surfaces are described as a mean camberline and thickness distribution. This technique was shown to improve the performance characteristics of turbine cascades in both subsonic and transonic flow.With this new inverse design technique, an entire blade geometry can be designed, leading to more effective use of these techniques in the final design.
Keywords/Search Tags:Inverse design, Turbomachinery, Thickness, Technique, Blade
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