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Design and behavioural control of a dynamic quadruped with active wheels

Posted on:2004-05-16Degree:M.EngType:Thesis
University:McGill University (Canada)Candidate:Steeves, Charles F., IIIFull Text:PDF
To capitalize on the efficiency and simplicity of wheeled robots, as well as the adaptability and maneuverability of legged robots, many hybrid leg-wheel designs have been developed. To date, none of these platforms have possessed the ability to execute dynamic maneuvers and thus have major shortcomings in their speed, efficiency and obstacle negotiating capabilities. A hybrid leg-wheel quadruped capable of such dynamic behaviour is introduced. Using an accurate model of this platform, a variety of dynamic behaviours and examples of their utility were successfully simulated. Passive leg compliance and the placement of wheels at the foot of the legs proved invaluable in achieving such high energy maneuvers on this power autonomous platform. A full systems design of a testbed capable of executing the presented dynamic behaviour was completed. From both a mechanical and control stand-point, it is a simple and robust robot. This prototype will prove the feasibility of such behavioural feats for autonomously powered platforms, demonstrate their wide utility and pave the way for their realization on ruggedized platforms.
Keywords/Search Tags:Dynamic
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