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Optimization of rigging design for small, simple A356 aluminum castings using AFsolid

Posted on:1997-09-28Degree:M.ScType:Thesis
University:Mississippi State UniversityCandidate:Driskill, James LanceFull Text:PDF
This thesis presents a study of the rigging design of a simple A356 aluminum casting using AFS Solidification Software (3D) (AFSolid). AFSolid is a program for three dimensional thermal simulations of casting solidification. It uses the geometry of the mold cavity, the geometry of the gates and risers, metal composition, mold material, superheat, and various other casting parameters in its simulations. By calculating local values of thermal gradient, cooling rate, solidification time, modulus and other parameters, the software enables foundry personnel to determine whether or not a particular rigging design will perform properly for a given part geometry. Performing properly, in this study, means minimizing porosity within the mold cavity and that the risers take up all solidification macroshrinkage.
Keywords/Search Tags:Rigging design, Casting, Solidification
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