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Multiphase flow modeling and simulation of explosive volcanic eruptions

Posted on:1999-02-05Degree:Ph.DType:Thesis
University:Illinois Institute of TechnologyCandidate:Neri, AugustoFull Text:PDF
Recent worldwide volcanic activity, such as eruptions at Mt. St. Helens, Washington, in 1980, Mt. Pinatubo, Philippines, in 1991, as well as the ongoing eruption at Montserrat, West Indies, highlighted again the complex nature of explosive volcanic eruptions as well as the tremendous risk associated to them. In the year 2000, about 500 million people are expected to live under the shadow of an active volcano. The understanding of pyroclastic dispersion processes produced by explosive eruptions is, therefore, of primary interest, not only from the scientific point of view, but also for the huge worldwide risk associated with them.;The thesis deals with an interdisciplinary research aimed at the modeling and simulation of explosive volcanic eruptions by using multiphase thermo-fluid-dynamic models. The first part of the work was dedicated to the understanding and validation of recently developed kinetic theory of two-phase flow. The hydrodynamics of fluid catalytic cracking particles in the IIT riser were simulated and compared with lab experiments. Simulation results confirm the validity of the kinetic theory approach. Transport of solids in the riser is due to dense clusters. On a time-average basis the bottom of the riser and the walls are dense, in agreement with IIT experimental data. The low frequency of oscillation (about 0.2 Hz) is also in agreement with data.;The second part of the work was devoted to the development of transient two-dimensional multiphase and multicomponent flow models of pyroclastic dispersion processes. In particular, the dynamics of ground-hugging high-speed and high-temperature pyroclastic flows generated by the collapse of volcanic columns or by impulsive discrete explosions, was investigated. The model accounts for the mechanical and thermal non-equilibrium between a multicomponent gas phase and N different solid phases representative of pyroclastic particles of different sizes.;Pyroclastic dispersion dynamics describes the formation of the initial vertical jet, the column collapse, and the building of the pyroclastic fountain, followed by the generation of radially spreading pyroclastic flows. The development of thermal convective instabilities in the flow lead to the formation of co-ignimbritic or phoenix clouds. Simulation results strongly highlight the importance of the multiphase flow formulation of the mixture. Large particles tend to segregate and sediment along the ground, whereas fine particles tend to form ascending buoyant plumes. Mixtures rich in fine grained particles produce larger runout of the flow and larger ascending plumes than mixtures rich in coarse particles. Simulation results appear to be qualitatively in agreement with field observations, but require to be fully validated by the simulation of well-known test cases.
Keywords/Search Tags:Simulation, Volcanic, Eruptions, Flow, Multiphase
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