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Proyecto de implantacion de laboratorio de moldeo por inyeccion (Spanish text)

Posted on:1999-01-29Degree:M.EngType:Thesis
University:University of Puerto Rico, Mayaguez (Puerto Rico)Candidate:Dotel, Socrates EduardoFull Text:PDF
This study consisted of the implementation of an injection molding laboratory in the Industrial Engineering manufacturing laboratory. To achieve the objective we completed the following tasks: design two injection molds, construct one of the molds designed, Experimental Design of the injection molding-process in a G-100T Morgan press injection molding machine. The resources used to complete the tasks were: Autocad software to draw the molds, manufacturing process laboratory machines and tools from the industrial Engineering Department and Mechanical Engineering Department, a Morgan press G-100T Injection Molding machine and Minitab software to analyze the injection molding process.
Keywords/Search Tags:Injection molding, Engineering
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