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Three-dimensional mesoscale self-assembly

Posted on:2000-05-14Degree:Ph.DType:Thesis
University:Harvard UniversityCandidate:Tien, Joe YichongFull Text:PDF
This thesis describes the use of self-assembly to fabricate three-dimensional mesostructures. “Meso” refers to the size of the objects that self-assemble: it denotes (approximately) a scale between one micrometer and ten millimeters. Self-assembly proceeds via capillary interactions between thin liquid films that coat selected faces of the objects.; Chapter 1 describes the self-assembly of close-packed arrays of millimeter-sized polymeric objects.; Chapter 2 describes the self-assembly of open arrays of millimeter-sized polymeric polyhedra.; Chapter 3 describes the self-assembly of close-packed arrays of ten-micrometer-sized metallic plates.
Keywords/Search Tags:Self-assembly, Close-packed arrays, Millimeter-sized polymeric
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