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The interplanetary current sheet at 0.72 AU

Posted on:1995-08-29Degree:M.SType:Thesis
University:San Jose State UniversityCandidate:Quist, Carl FredrikFull Text:PDF
The interplanetary current sheet is a discontinuity in the interplanetary solar magnetic field. The discontinuity results from the solar wind pulling the Sun's magnetic field lines outward in a radial direction. This phenomena is known as "Frozen-in magnetic lines of force." The interplanetary current sheet has a complex structure which is discussed in some detail in Sec. I. By examining data collected by the Pioneer Venus Orbiter, it is possible to determine at what time and where in space the satellite crossed the current sheet. It is also possible, using a technique developed by Sonnerup and Cahill, to determine the orientation of the current sheet in space. Analyzed data from 2 six month periods led to finding 6 well defined current sheet crossings whose normal vectors are presented in Sec. IV.
Keywords/Search Tags:Current sheet, Magnetic field
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