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A contaminated landscape in an urban land use context: The Transcona Domtar Site

Posted on:1997-02-11Degree:M.L.AType:Thesis
University:University of Manitoba (Canada)Candidate:Brumpton, Hugh GrantFull Text:PDF
GTID:2461390014481516Subject:Landscape architecture
Past land use practices have produced urban and regional sites that are characterized by few positive social, economic, or ecological characteristics. These sites often result from the aftermath of now obsolete technologies and the presence of remnant contaminants. Contaminated sites within an urban context, where exposure to contaminants by people is most likely, may also be under pressure for reuse development.;The study proposes a synthesis of the issues surrounding a contaminated site into the preparation of an appropriate site design proposal. Issues considered include the perceptions held by those who may use the landscape, special regulatory conditions that apply to future land use options and the technical requirements of the remediation strategy.;The setting for this study is on the outskirts of the community of Transcona in Winnipeg, Manitoba. It is the site of a former Domtar Chemicals Limited wood treatment plant. The wood treatment plant operated for 65 years, during which time the soil was contaminated with creosote and pentachlorophenol. Attempts to clean the soil have been ongoing for over a decade, much to the distress of people living as close as 30 metres from the worst areas of contamination.;The result of this study is a site design proposal that provides the opportunity for the healing of perceptions. Healing is accomplished by increasing awareness through the design of a program that focuses on environmental education and interpretation.
Keywords/Search Tags:Site, Urban, Land, Contaminated
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