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The thermodynamics of water vapour dissolution in tundish fluxes

Posted on:1998-07-20Degree:M.A.ScType:Thesis
University:University of Toronto (Canada)Candidate:Daya, Zeinab AmiraliFull Text:PDF
A thermogravimetric technique has been used to obtain values of water vapour capacity in molten slags. Thermodynamic measurements have been made in synthetic fluxes of compositions that may be appropriate for use in a tundish. The results obtained indicate that solubility of water vapour is independent of temperature over a 100;It was confirmed that water vapour behaves amphoterically with respect to dissolution in molten fluxes. The values of water vapour capacity were rationalized with respect to optical basicity as derived from Pauling electronegativity and from Electron density measurements. These results were compared to results from previous studies. Data from 12 investigations and 10 slag systems were used to derive expressions to estimate water vapour capacities in molten fluxes on each of these scales.
Keywords/Search Tags:Water vapour, Fluxes, Molten
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