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Analysis of the safety and integrity of pultruded glass-fiber-reinforced polyester and vinyl ester from a micro-mechanical standpoint

Posted on:1999-12-29Degree:M.EngType:Thesis
University:Lamar University - BeaumontCandidate:Ba-abbad, Mazen AbdullahFull Text:PDF
A critical analysis of the literature available on micromechanical failure mechanisms of unidirectional fiber composites was performed. The analysis addressed the validity of the assumptions made, their derivations (if appropriate), and the applicability of these models to the failure of pultruded glass-fiber reinforced polyester and vinyl ester structural I beams. The possible micromechanical failure mechanisms due to the four stress types, i.e. longitudinal and transverse tensile stress, shear stress, and compressive stress, were examined. Also, the available failure criteria based on the micromechanics were evaluated. This work has revealed the level of the present understanding of the micromechanics of fiber-reinforced polymer composites and the need to develop more accurate and comprehensive models to predict the failure of fiber reinforced polymer composites.
Keywords/Search Tags:Failure, Composites
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