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Heating and ventilation study of Inco's Creighton Mine

Posted on:2001-03-19Degree:M.EngType:Thesis
University:McGill University (Canada)Candidate:Sylvestre, Michel J.-GFull Text:PDF
As near surface deposits are depleted, it becomes increasingly apparent that we will have to mine deeper in order to meet future world demand for metals.; Along with deeper mining comes its associated challenges: increased stresses and seismicity, increased heat load and increased inefficiencies due to hoisting constraints and travel time. All of these challenges, and more, contribute to safety concerns, higher initial capital costs and higher operating costs, which combined, can make deep reserves uneconomic.; In order to meet these challenges, we must closely examine present deep mining infrastructures and operating practices with a view to learn and enhance upon "Best Practices".; This thesis will examine the challenges of providing ventilation within deep, hot mines. Specifically, we will examine Inco Limited's Creighton Mine. A current expansion at Creighton will see mining progress to the 7660 level within the next few years. A key issue, which arises, is the question as to whether Creighton will need a refrigeration system or can it continue to rely on its natural heat exchange capacity.
Keywords/Search Tags:Creighton
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