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Two-phase flow in horizontal impacting tee junctions: Current state of the art

Posted on:2001-02-13Degree:M.ScType:Thesis
University:The University of Manitoba (Canada)Candidate:El-Shaboury, Ahmed Mohamed FathyFull Text:PDF
The present investigation presents a summary of the state of the art in our understanding of the phase distribution in horizontal impacting tee junctions during two-phase flow. The currently existing data base was reviewed and the effects of different parameters on the phase distribution were investigated. These parameters include JL1, JG1, P1, x1, inlet flow regime, and inlet momentum-flux ratio. It was found that there is a serious lack of pressure-drop data and high-inlet-quality phase-distribution data.; The effect of JL1 was such that as JL1 increases with JG1 fixed, the line, or curve that represents the data rotates in a clockwise direction. It is demonstrated that none of the available models/correlations can provide accurate predictions of magnitude and trend for all inlet conditions. The design of a test facility that is capable of generating phase-distribution and pressure-drop data for low-pressure, air-water two-phase flow through an impacting tee junction is given. (Abstract shortened by UMI.)...
Keywords/Search Tags:Two-phase flow, Impacting tee, Data
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