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Synthesis of conducting polymer complexes

Posted on:2002-06-23Degree:Ph.DType:Thesis
University:University of Rhode IslandCandidate:McCarthy, Patrick AllenFull Text:PDF
Conducting polymers are notorious for being difficult to process. Here, we describe syntheses, purification, and characterization of water-soluble double-stranded complexes containing conducting polymers. We describe the synthesis of a water-soluble double-stranded complex containing chiral polyaniline and poly (acrylic acid). We also describe the synthesis of a water-soluble double-stranded complex containing polypyrrole and poly (acrylic acid). Finally, we describe the synthesis of a water-soluble double-stranded complex containing polypyrrole and poly (acrylic acid) with an unusually high polypyrrole loading.
Keywords/Search Tags:Water-soluble double-stranded complex, Poly, Synthesis, Acrylic acid
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