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A new dewpoint pressure correlation for gas-condensate systems

Posted on:2002-12-05Degree:M.SType:Thesis
University:King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals (Saudi Arabia)Candidate:Humoud, Abdrabbalamir AbdallahFull Text:PDF
The knowledge of dewpoint pressure is essential for characterization of gas-condensate fluids, determination of gas-condensate reservoir performance, and design of production systems. Laboratory determination of the dewpoint pressure is usually laborious and costly. In this study, a new empirical correlation to predict dewpoint pressure of a gas-condensate system has been developed using multiple linear regression analysis. The new correlation was developed based on 74 data sets of gas-condensate systems representing different reservoirs in the Middle East region. The new correlation relates the dewpoint pressure to some readily available field parameters. Statistical error analysis, used to evaluate the existing published correlations and validate the new correlation, showed that the new empirically derived correlation outperforms the existing correlations.
Keywords/Search Tags:Dewpoint pressure, New, Correlation, Gas-condensate
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