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Flow characteristics of a direct current stirring device

Posted on:2002-01-13Degree:M.A.ScType:Thesis
University:University of Toronto (Canada)Candidate:Bryce, Katherine AnnFull Text:PDF
Electromagnetic stirring is employed to improve the quality of continuously cast steel product. This thesis proposes a device that may form the basis for the development of a direct current stirring system.; An analytical model describing the magnetic flux density and magnetic body force was developed. A numerical model was constructed to describe the conduction, electromagnetic, and fluid flow characteristics of the system. This model was used to explore the influence of coil separation, coil radius, the magnitude of the current in the system, and the direction of current flow in the coils on the fluid flow profile. An experimental model was built and tested.; The results show that it is feasible to stir liquid metal using the device proposed. The flow pattern created is rotational, though not unidirectional. It is recommended that the coil configuration which would generate a unidirectional flow profile throughout the fluid, and reduce the stirring velocity at the surface to zero, be determined.
Keywords/Search Tags:Stirring, Flow, Current
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