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Ultrasonic assessment of early age property development in hydrating cementitious materials

Posted on:2011-09-18Degree:Ph.DType:Thesis
University:City University of New YorkCandidate:Wang, XiaojunFull Text:PDF
The internal structure (microstructure) of cementitious materials, such as cement paste, mortar and concrete, evolves over time because of cement hydration. The microstructure of the cementitious phase plays a very important role in determining the strength, the mechanical properties and the long-term durability of cementitious materials. Therefore any understanding of the strength gain and the long-term durability of cementitious materials requires a proper assessment of the microstructure of its cementitious phase.;Current methods for evaluating the microstructure of the cement are invasive and primarily laboratory-based. These methods are not conducive for studying the pore structure changes in the first few hours after casting since the changes in microstructure occur on a time scale that is an order of magnitude faster than the time required for sample preparation. The primary objective of the research presented in this thesis is to contribute towards advancing the current state-of-the-art in assessing the microstructure of cementitious systems. An ultrasonic wave reflection technique which allows for real-time assessment of the porosity and the elastic modulus of cementitious materials is developed. The test procedure for monitoring changes in the amplitude of horizontally polarized ultrasonic shear waves from the surface of hydrating cement paste is presented. A theoretical framework based on a poro-elastic idealization of the hydrating cementitious material is developed for interpreting the ultrasonic reflection data. The poro-elastic representation of hydrating cementitious material is shown to provide simultaneous, realistic estimates of porosity and shear modulus for hydrating cement paste and mortar through setting and early strength gain. The porosity predicted by the poro-elastic representation is identical to the capillary water content within the cement paste predicted by Powers' model. The shear modulus of the poro-elastic skeleton was compares favorably with the value of shear modulus obtained from an independent vibration-based measurement. The relations between porosity and compressive strength developed through experimental techniques and poro-elasticity framework provide an understanding of effects of evolution of porosity on the development of compressive strength for hydrating cement paste and mortar. The ultrasonic measurements and the theoretical framework presented here can be extended monitoring in-situ material property development in hydrating cement-based materials.
Keywords/Search Tags:Cement, Materials, Ultrasonic, Development, Microstructure, Assessment
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