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Identification of plastic materials that have lost commercial growth/importance

Posted on:2004-01-19Degree:M.S.EngType:Thesis
University:University of Massachusetts LowellCandidate:Richards, Theresa Margaret LoyaFull Text:PDF
GTID:2461390011969102Subject:Plastics Technology
Plastic materials that were commercially introduced between 1868 and 1997, and whose growth or importance as stand-alone materials has declined, are identified herein. Qualitative data, obtained from patent and literature searches, is summarily reviewed for potential relevance to the current commercial position of each material. Data includes, to the extent available, patent and trademark filings, market introduction, polymer structure and properties, suppliers, product applications and competitors. Some speculation is offered with regard to the factors influencing the decline or withdrawal of these polymers as individual materials from the plastics industry.
Keywords/Search Tags:Materials
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