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Effect of high pressure treatment of milk on microbial destruction as influenced by product and process related factors

Posted on:2004-08-23Degree:M.ScType:Thesis
University:McGill University (Canada)Candidate:Jin, HongFull Text:PDF
The traditional way of processing milk is the application of heat to destroy undesirable microorganisms. Though heat is an effective means of doing the job, it is associated with several limitations. High pressure (HP) processing has the potential for eliminating microorganisms without affecting the natural quality of the raw material. As a result, it has become a promising technique in recent years. Many factors are reported to influence HP destruction of microorganisms, the most important ones include food composition (i.e., lipid, carbohydrate and protein contents), water activity, process temperature, and mode of pressure treatment. Therefore, the objectives of this research were to: (a) evaluate the effect of milk composition on destruction of E. coli by HP, (b) evaluate kinetic models for spoilage and pathogenic microorganism in milk and the effect of different pressure mode (pulse and static) on the destruction rates; and (c) to evaluate the effect of milk type (UHT and raw milk) and temperate on destruction of microorganism. (Abstract shortened by UMI.)...
Keywords/Search Tags:Milk, Effect, Destruction, Pressure
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