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A geographical analysis of the TCE pollution in Endicott, Broome County, NY

Posted on:2012-05-11Degree:M.AType:Thesis
University:State University of New York at BinghamtonCandidate:Zhang, MengyaoFull Text:PDF
Tricholoroethylene (TCE) is a halogenated aliphatic organic compound which has been widely used as an ingredient in industrial cleaning solutions. In 2002, scientists noticed that in some areas of Endicott, VOC contamination, especially TCE from the groundwater contaminated the adjacent soil and has migrated through the soil and into indoor spaces of overlying buildings.;This research examines how TCE affected the study area---Endicott by focusing on the human and environmental aspects. Geostatistical approaches are used to analyze the impacts on human health by using a variety of socio-economic and demographic variables. Distribution of TCE levels in groundwater (the Plume) are identified by using GIS and the impacts on both the social and toxicological environment are also mapped and analyzed. In addition, the results of a community survey administered to local residents concerning their views on the industrial spill are discussed.
Keywords/Search Tags:TCE
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