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Designing switchable solvents for sustainable process development

Posted on:2012-03-24Degree:Ph.DType:Thesis
University:Georgia Institute of TechnologyCandidate:Hart, Ryan JFull Text:PDF
Reversible ionic liquids represent a novel class of switchable solvents, where the structure and properties of the solvent system can be easily switched back and forth from a molecular liquid to an ionic liquid. Harnessing the switchable properties, practical opportunities for sustainable technology development are envisioned. Broadening the scope and applicability of reversible ionic liquids is the ability to easily alter the molecular structure, resulting in a multitude of solvent structures and corresponding properties that can be strategically modified for specific applications. This concept of "designer solvents" is only possible by first understanding structure-property relationships, and using this information to develop new compounds with enhanced properties.;Explored in this thesis are two classes of reversible ionic liquids: (1) one component and (2) two component. Each solvent class exhibits differing properties, and the full characterization of each class is given to aid readers in understanding the potential of their use in sustainable processing. Additionally, limitations in behavior are addressed, with recommendations on specific molecular modifications to overcome these challenges. Reactions and separations are typically thought of as two separate unit processes; it will be shown that with the advent of the two component liquids, the two can be coupled yielding an efficient solvent for reactions with the added benefit of facile catalyst and product recovery.;A new technique is described to probe the CO2 induced solvent switch, and further applied to understanding the relationship between one component structure and CO2 separation potential. This allowed for the design of materials with enhanced physical absorption properties. Lastly, the highly viscous nature of the ionic liquid is problematic with regards to industrial processing, and is addressed with a useful mitigation strategy offered.
Keywords/Search Tags:Solvent, Reversible ionic liquids, Switchable, Sustainable
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