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Ligand influences on the structures of organically-templated mixed-metal molybdenum and vanadium oxides prepared via hydrothermal synthesis

Posted on:2003-08-26Degree:Ph.DType:Thesis
University:Syracuse UniversityCandidate:Rarig, Randy S., JrFull Text:PDF
The use of a structure directing organic ligand on mixed metal molybdenum and vanadium oxides has led to a series of new and interesting materials with varying properties. By directing the formation of the mixed metal oxide sub-structure with the size, shape, and flexibility of the organic ligand new organic/inorganic hybrid materials exhibiting an unusual structural diversity may be synthesized with a variety of new and interesting properties. By utilizing chelating bidentate, chelating tridentate, bis-chelating tridentate, tethering, and tridentate ligands a variety of novel organic/inorganic mixed metal molybdenum and vanadium oxide materials showing the influence of the organic ligand on the inorganic oxide sub-structure have been synthetically created and characterized. Hydrothermal synthesis is a simple synthetic pathway that leads to the formation of single crystal products allowing for characterization via single crystal x-ray diffraction. The use of the hydrothermal medium overcomes the differential solubility problems associated with many organic and inorganic starting materials. The following research endeavor contains a variety of examples of the family M/Mo/O/Ligand and M/V/O/Ligand utilizing the various ligand formations stated above. This poses as merely a start at the seemingly endless chemistry available in the realm of hydrothermal synthesis.
Keywords/Search Tags:Molybdenum and vanadium, Ligand, Organic, Hydrothermal, Mixed, Oxide, Metal
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