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Modeling of evaporation and oxidation phenomena in plasma spraying of metal powders

Posted on:2003-03-13Degree:Eng.Sc.DType:Thesis
University:Columbia UniversityCandidate:Zhang, HanweiFull Text:PDF
Plasma spraying of metals in air is usually accompanied by evaporation and oxidation of the sprayed material. Optimization of the spraying process must ensure that the particles are fully molten during their short residence time in the plasma jet and prior to hitting the substrate, but not overheated to minimize evaporation losses. In atmospheric plasma spraying (ASP), it is also clearly desirable to be able to control the extent of oxide formation. The objective of this work to develop an overall mathematical model of the oxidization and volatilization phenomena involved in the plasma-spraying of metallic particles in air atmosphere. Four models were developed to simulate the following aspects of the atmospheric plasma spraying (APS) process: (a) the particle trajectories and the velocity and temperature profiles in an Ar-H 2 plasma jet, (b) the heat and mass transfer between particles and plasma jet, (c) the interaction between the evaporation and oxidation phenomena, and (d) the oxidation of liquid metal droplets.; The resulting overall model was generated by adapting the computational fluid dynamics code FIDAP and was validated by experimental measurements carried out at the collaborating plasma laboratory of the University of Limoges. The thesis also examined the environmental implications of the oxidization and volatilization phenomena in the plasma spraying of metals.; The modeling results showed that the combination of the standard k-s model of turbulence and the Boussinesq eddy-viscosity model provided a more accurate prediction of plasma gas behavior. The estimated NOx generation levels from APS were lower than the U.S.E.P.A. emission standard. Either enhanced evaporation or oxidation can occur on the surface of the metal particles and the relative extent is determined by the process parameters. Comparatively, the particle size has the greatest impact on both evaporation and oxidation. The extent of particle oxidation depends principally on gas-liquid oxidation. The convection due to recirculating flow of liquid within the metal droplet (Hill's vortex) dominates the mass transfer of oxygen after the metal particles become molten.; This study showed that the behavior of evaporation and oxidation of metal particles in atmospheric plasma spraying can be predicted and the process parameters can be optimized to reduce the evaporation and/or oxidation of metal particles in industrial applications of plasma spraying.
Keywords/Search Tags:Plasma spraying, Oxidation, Evaporation, Metal, Phenomena, Model, Process
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