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Linear properties of biomolecular cadmium sulfide quantum dots

Posted on:2003-07-03Degree:M.S.EngType:Thesis
University:University of Massachusetts LowellCandidate:Rong, YeFull Text:PDF
In this thesis, linear optical properties and quantum size effect studies of biomolecular self-assembled CdS quantum dots (QDs) are presented. The electronic structure of these low-dimensional structures has been studied by Ultra-Violet (UV-Vis) spectrum absorption.; This thesis deals with UV-Vis spectroscopy in low-dimensional nanostructures, and in particular, systems with quasi zero-dimensional properties, called quantum dots. Also, it illustrates the physical properties of QDs, demonstrates the quantum size effect of QDs.; Several spectrometers using in experimental part have been introduced. Results are shown and analyzed. The material of detecting sample is cadmium sulphur (CdS) substrate on biomolecular tRNA, its unique properties and uniformity will develop more in this thesis. And an evaluation will be given in conclusion part.
Keywords/Search Tags:Quantum, Biomolecular, Thesis
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