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Efficiencies of hydrogen storage systems onboard fuel cell vehicles

Posted on:2003-05-12Degree:M.S.EngType:Thesis
University:University of Massachusetts LowellCandidate:Ananthachar, Vinay KumarFull Text:PDF
Energy efficiency, vehicle weight, driving range, and fuel economy are compared among fuel cell vehicles (FCV) with different types of fuel storage and battery-powered electric vehicles and Three options for onboard fuel storage are examined compared in order to evaluate the most energy efficient option of storing fuel in fuel cell vehicles: compressed hydrogen gas storage, metal hydride storage, and onboard methanol reformer derived from renewable energy. Component efficiencies are from the literature, and ADVISOR is used for mileage test simulation. The battery powered electric vehicle has the highest efficiency of conversion from solar energy as the primary source for a driving range of 300 miles as compared to compressed hydrogen gas, metal hydride and onboard methanol reformer. Among the fuel cell vehicles, the most efficient is the vehicle with onboard compressed hydrogen storage. A constant driving range of around 300 miles is considered while calculating the above energy efficiencies. The compressed gas FCV is also the leader in four other categories: vehicle weight for a given range, driving range for a given weight, efficiency starting with fossil fuel, and miles per gallon equivalent (also better than a hybrid electric) on simulated urban and highway tests.
Keywords/Search Tags:Fuel, Driving range, Storage, Onboard, Hydrogen, Efficiencies, Energy
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