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Evaluation of kinetic welding possibility with different boss and pin geometries and determining weld strength

Posted on:2004-08-20Degree:M.S.EngType:Thesis
University:University of Massachusetts LowellCandidate:Shah, Saiyam KumarpalFull Text:PDF
GTID:2461390011476392Subject:Plastics Technology
The kinetic welding is a new technique for producing assembled plastics parts. K-welding is faster and cheaper compared to all other plastics joining techniques. Efforts were made for evaluating the possibility of producing k-weld assembly using different pin and boss designs. Three designs, including commonly used round design, were studied. K-weld® parts of PP, PC, and ABS were injection molded. Instead of metal inserts for pin and boss, inserts prepared by stereolithography method were used. Parts with round and modified round design were welded successfully. Amorphous materials, due to this low shrinkage were welded successfully with square pin and boss design. It was not possible to weld PP in the square design due to low tolerance. It was concluded that materials with low impact resistance are not suitable as a boss in k-weld. It was observed that with an increase in weld surface area, the load required to separate the weld assembly increased.
Keywords/Search Tags:Weld, Boss, Pin
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