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Qualitative properties of magnetic fields in scalar field cosmology

Posted on:2004-05-27Degree:M.ScType:Thesis
University:Dalhousie University (Canada)Candidate:Quinlan, Stephen DouglasFull Text:PDF
In this thesis the qualitative properties of a class of spatially homogeneous Bianchi VI0 cosmological models containing a perfect fluid with a linear equation of state, a scalar field with an exponential potential and a uniform cosmic magnetic field are studied, using dynamical systems techniques. Results show that when k2 < 2 all models evolve towards the usual power-law inflationary model (with no magnetic field) and, furthermore, inflation is not fundamentally affected by the presence of a uniform primordial magnetic field. The physical properties of the Bianchi I magnetic field models are discussed in some detail. In addition, the properties of the (Bianchi I) model are studied when the parameter, γ, is allowed to obtain its bifurcation value 2. It is found that only three of the original equilibrium points survive, and their stability is analyzed.
Keywords/Search Tags:Magnetic field
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