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Pressurized water model of the blast furnace hearth drainage

Posted on:2012-04-11Degree:M.S.EType:Thesis
University:Purdue UniversityCandidate:Alvarez, PedroFull Text:PDF
In the process of making iron, the liquid level at the blast furnace hearth is one important effect to consider in the operation. The liquid level is check in order to have a smooth running process. Many numerical methods have been done and analyzed in order to have an understanding of the liquid behavior inside the blast furnace. All numerical methods done, about the liquid level, show a strong flow phenomenon at the taphole of the blast furnace. Since many numerical methods already exist, a physical scale model is more optional in order to have a truthful visualization of the melted iron simulation. In this way, it can be proven that the strong blow phenomenon really happens. For this reason, a pressurized physical scale model has been built in order to simulate the liquid level of the molten iron and slag in the blast furnace hearth. A simulation of the liquid level was done using water to simulate the liquid in the blast furnace. This was done with a purpose, to visualize and prove the existence of the strong flow phenomenon. The results obtained of this simulation show the strong blow phenomenon quite visibly. Another simulation was done using water and vegetable oil to simulate the melted iron and the slag. Since the ratio of melted iron to slag is about 2.6 (The respective densities for molten iron and slag are 6700 kg/m3 and 2600 kg/m3), and the production rate of melted iron to slag is 3.3, a rate of 3 (water) to 1 (vegetable oil) was done in order to achieve an approximation to a ratio of 3 (The respective densities at room temperature are 1 g/cm3 for water and 0.922 g/cm3 for the oil). The results obtained for this simulation, again, show the strong flow phenomenon very visibly. The geometrical similarity was satisfied as was the kinematic similarity. However, the dynamic similarity was not achieved. The equalities obtained are Rep = 5.487Rem, Fr m = 558.38Frp, and Np = 9.879Nm. Although, similarity was not achieved completely, the observed results illustrate a pattern where it can be said that the strong blow phenomenon really does happen.
Keywords/Search Tags:Blast furnace, Liquid level, Strong blow phenomenon, Water, Melted iron, Model
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