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Recursions for theq-Kostka polynomials

Posted on:1999-09-29Degree:Ph.DType:Thesis
University:University of MinnesotaCandidate:Killpatrick, Kendra SueFull Text:PDF
The Kostka numbers Klambdamu are important in several areas of mathematics, including symmetric function theory, representation theory, combinatorics and invariant theory. The q-Kostka polynomials Klambdamu(q) are the q-analogues of the Kostka numbers. They generalize and extend the mathematical meaning of the Kostka numbers. Lascoux and Schutzenberger proved one can attach a non-negative integer statistic called charge to a semistandard tableau of shape lambda and content mu such that Klambdamu(q) is the generating function for charge on those semistandard tableaux. In this thesis, I will give two new descriptions of charge and prove several new properties of this statistic. In addition, the q-Kostka polynomials are known to satisfy a certain shape and content reducing recursion. I will give a combinatorial proof of a related recursion for the q-Kostka polynomials on words.
Keywords/Search Tags:Q-kostka polynomials
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