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Permutation modules and representation theory

Posted on:2001-05-01Degree:M.ScType:Thesis
University:University of Alberta (Canada)Candidate:Campbell, Peter StevenFull Text:PDF
The sign character for Coxeter groups and the Steinberg character for finite groups with BN-pair can be expressed as alternating sums of permutation characters. We show that we can use the corresponding permutation modules to construct modules which afford these characters.;Further, we consider an analogue of the Steinberg character for GL n Z/ph Z , h ≥ 2, given by Hill. Using the same method as for the sign character and Steinberg character, we construct a module which affords this character. In addition, we show that this character can also be expressed as an alternating sum of permutation characters over certain subgroups of GLn Z/phZ containing B, the subgroup of upper triangular matrices.
Keywords/Search Tags:Character, Permutation, Modules
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