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Flag Actions and Representations of the Symplectic Group

Posted on:2012-08-27Degree:M.ScType:Thesis
University:University of Alberta (Canada)Candidate:Miersma, JonathanFull Text:PDF
A flag of a finite dimensional vector space V is a nested sequence of subspaces of V. The symplectic group of V acts on the set of flags of V. We classify the orbits of this action by defining the incidence matrix of a flag of V and showing that two flags are in the same orbit precisely when they have the same incidence matrix. We give a formula for the number of orbits of a certain type and discuss how to list the incidence matrices of all orbits. In the case in which V is a vector space over a finite field, we discuss the permutation representations of the symplectic group of V corresponding to these orbits. For the case in which V = F4q , we compute the conjugacy classes of the symplectic group of V and the values of the characters of the previously discussed permutation representations.
Keywords/Search Tags:Symplectic, Flag, Representations
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