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Controlling Photons in Superconducting Electrical Circuits

Posted on:2012-08-18Degree:Ph.DType:Thesis
University:Yale UniversityCandidate:Johnson, Blake RobertFull Text:PDF
Circuit quantum electrodynamics (circuit QED) is a system that allows for strong coupling between microwave photons in transmission line cavities and superconducting qubits or artificial atoms. While circuit QED is often studied in the context of quantum information processing, it also provides an attractive platform for performing quantum optics experiments on-a-chip, because the level of control and coupling strengths available in circuit QED opens a vast array of possibilities for the creation, manipulation, and detection of quantum states of light. In this thesis, the extension of circuit QED to two cavities is examined, including design issues for cavities with very different Q-factors, and a new qubit design is proposed that couples to both cavities. The qubit-cavity interaction, while providing much of the utility of circuit QED, also introduces additional qubit relaxation. A powerful formalism for calculating this energy decay due to the classical admittance of the electromagnetic environment is presented in the context of circuit QED. Measurements of a wide range of samples validate this theory as providing an effective model for relaxation. A new circuit element, called the 'Purcell filter', is introduced and demonstrated to decouple the relationship between cavity Q and qubit relaxation. Finally, a new method for performing quantum non- demolition measurements of microwave photons is demonstrated.
Keywords/Search Tags:Circuit QED, Photons, Quantum, Cavities
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