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Mobile Shopping for Fashion Products in the US

Posted on:2013-02-18Degree:M.SType:Thesis
University:University of South CarolinaCandidate:Keels, Felicia NFull Text:PDF
GTID:2459390008984546Subject:Business Administration
This study investigates whether the modified TAM by Ko, Kim, & Lee (2009) for the adoption of mobile shopping for fashion products will hold true when applied to US consumers. Using an online survey method, 245 US college students were asked questions pertaining to the four constructs outlined by Ko, Kim, & Lee (2009)- usefulness, enjoyment, instant connectivity, and ease of use- along with mediator perceived value, and adoption intention. Results show that there was a positive relationship between all variables and indicates a difference between the perception of the constructs of mobile shopping for fashion products between US consumers and Korean consumers.
Keywords/Search Tags:Mobile shopping for fashion products, US consumers
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