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Sustainable missiology on the US/Mexico border

Posted on:2013-01-28Degree:M.AType:Thesis
University:California State University, Long BeachCandidate:Asbury, Lindsay CFull Text:PDF
This thesis discusses the background of two communities in the outskirts of Tijuana, a Californian church's involvement with the communities, and the movement toward sustainable development in place of relief aid. This movement is part of a bigger conversation within anthropology and the Christian Church as the two fields have approached sustainable development in the context of addressing poverty. Millions of dollars and countless hours are being spent on short-term missions and wasted on programs that overseas communities do not want. Although a shift in the approach to mission work is not simple, it is necessary to bring true change for impoverished populations. As an anthropologist, I encourage more anthropologists to open dialogue with missionaries to share information that will ultimately benefit and enrich the lives of those with whom we work.
Keywords/Search Tags:Sustainable
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