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The adverse effects of social promotion and retention

Posted on:2006-11-30Degree:M.AType:Thesis
University:State University of New York Empire State CollegeCandidate:DeFrancesco, Nicole LucianaFull Text:PDF
This position paper reviews pertinent research and issues concerning the adverse affects of social promotion and retention. The negative effects of social promotion and retention are seen in school districts at the elementary, middle, and high school grade levels. Many of our students are not graduating with the skills necessary to achieve in a competitive job market economy. The first chapter introduces the problem of social promotion and retention to the reader. The second chapter reviews the literature regarding the adverse effects of social promotion and retention, as well as alternative methods to both policies. Chapter three discusses the educational pendulum of both policies. Chapter four introduces alternative methods ranging from intrinsic school reform to transitional programs and policies to prevent social promotion and retention. Chapter four also includes a section on which alternatives work. Alternatives range from block scheduling to various extended learning time programs as well as community involvement.
Keywords/Search Tags:Social promotion and retention, Adverse, Both policies chapter
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