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Contemporary marketing practices of the tourism industry in western Canada: An empirical analysis

Posted on:2006-02-24Degree:M.B.AType:Thesis
University:University of Calgary (Canada)Candidate:Hamilton, KarlaFull Text:PDF
GTID:2459390008469257Subject:Business Administration
This research empirically examines the contemporary marketing practices of the accommodation sector in Western Canada, in a replication of Coviello et al. (2003). It also examines the presence of experience marketing and the relationship between marketing practices, technology, experience creation and performance. Data was collected using an internet survey of 247 hotels, motels, bed and breakfasts, and resorts.; This is the first tourism study to empirically integrate multiple aspects of marketing practice. It provides evidence for the use of Transaction Marketing, and identifies which aspects of marketing practice, technology and experience creation impact market performance.; The results show varying patterns, or levels of intensity, of marketing practice. High levels of technology use and experience creation are associated with more advanced levels of marketing. Marketing practices affect the performance of accommodation firms in a number of ways, with different practices impacting different performance outcomes.
Keywords/Search Tags:Marketing, Performance
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