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In Kind and Cash Payments in Experiments: Farmer Valuation of Seeds with Decreased Variance in Orissa, India

Posted on:2014-03-16Degree:M.ScType:Thesis
University:University of Alberta (Canada)Candidate:Hossack, Fiona IlaFull Text:PDF
Evaluating the ex-ante willingness to pay (WTP) and adoption rates for pro-poor technologies is necessary to inform development interventions, the distribution and pricing of new technologies, and research and development. Unfortunately, a common practice of economic experiments that elicit value, paying participants in cash, is not always amenable to partner organizations in developing countries. Using a framed field experiment, an alternative in kind payment is explored and its effect on the valuation of yield stabilizing seed traits compared to that of cash. I find participants who are paid in kind with commonly bought household goods are willing to pay about 7% more than when they are paid in cash, suggesting that in kind remuneration may result in the overestimation of WTP. In addition, for a 6.9 INR reduction in the standard deviation, WTP was approximately 8% higher, suggesting that farmers value yield stabilizing seed traits like pest or drought resistance.
Keywords/Search Tags:WTP, Kind, Cash
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