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Administrator and band director perceptions of the implementation of KY Core Content for Assessment in Music

Posted on:2013-03-02Degree:M.M.EType:Thesis
University:University of LouisvilleCandidate:Buchholz, David AFull Text:PDF
The purpose of this study was to survey secondary school administrator and band director perceptions regarding the implementation of Kentucky's Core Content for Assessment 4.1 (CCA 4.1) in Music in the band programs at their schools. Secondary topics addressed included how administrators observe and assess their program with regards to KY CCA 4.1 and how band directors implement the different content standards set forth in KY CCA 4.1. An online survey using both Liken-type questions and short answer open response questions was completed by secondary public school administrators (n=20) and band directors (n=17) in a major metropolitan region in the Southeast. Results indicate that band directors were generally more critical of their instruction with respect to the content standards than administrators. Additionally, gaps were found in the assessment of standards relating to creating and composing music and improvising, between what administrators are observing and band directors are implementing. Suggestions for future research are offered.
Keywords/Search Tags:Band, Content, Assessment, Administrators
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