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A selection algorithm for composing Web services in sensor network

Posted on:2006-06-18Degree:M.C.SType:Thesis
University:University of Ottawa (Canada)Candidate:Liu, DeyangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2458390008472620Subject:Computer Science
Web services and sensor networks have been undergoing tremendous growth during the past few years. Integrating web services technology to sensor networks domain offers many advantages. For example, the existing Internet protocols can be used instead of designing proprietary ones, 3rd party can deliver value-added web services to end users easily, etc. However, wireless sensor networks are constrained by limited system resources, such as memory, power, and computation capacity.; In this thesis, we propose a web service selection algorithm by introducing QoS-based cost function concept. The mechanism we used is choosing only a few web services from each service community according to their cost function. Then we compose them together to find the optimal composite service. The proposed selection algorithm consumes only limited system resources and has the characteristics of efficiency, dynamics, and fault tolerance. It guarantees the composed web service has the optimal performance in terms of cost function.
Keywords/Search Tags:Web, Sensor, Selection algorithm, Cost function
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