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Some results concerning security in the Random Oracle Model

Posted on:2006-03-27Degree:M.ScType:Thesis
University:University of Toronto (Canada)Candidate:Glazer, VictorFull Text:PDF
GTID:2458390008460160Subject:Computer Science
The Random Oracle Model (ROM) is a setting where all parties, including the adversary, have black-box access to a "truly random function" (the random oracle). In this thesis, we present two results concerning security in the ROM. First, we show that, for every canonical identification scheme, the corresponding Fiat-Shamir signature scheme is secure in the ROM. Previously, only "non-trivial" canonical identification schemes were known to yield Fiat-Shamir signature schemes which are secure in the ROM. Second, we show how to modify a certain discrete logarithm-based public-key encryption scheme so that it becomes CCA2-secure in the ROM. In conclusion, we review several "uninstantiability" results which demonstrate that security in the ROM does not guarantee "real-world" security, and briefly survey a number of signature and public-key encryption schemes which are secure in the "real world".
Keywords/Search Tags:Random oracle, ROM, Security, Results
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