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Surround sound microphone arrays for outdoor soundscape recording

Posted on:2014-06-06Degree:M.MType:Thesis
University:University of Massachusetts LowellCandidate:Nunes, TimothyFull Text:PDF
Surround sound microphone arrays have primarily been used in recordings made indoors. These arrays are also tested in controlled indoor environments. This paper will test five of the commonly used surround sound microphone arrays for use in outdoor soundscape recording. The arrays will be used to make soundscape recordings at three different locations chosen for their differing characteristics. These recordings will be analyzed by three listeners for surround and distance location as well as timbral detail and stability and definition of phantom images. The analysis will determine whether these arrays' characteristics are changed in outdoor recordings and whether these arrays are accurate to the locations.
Keywords/Search Tags:Surround sound microphone arrays, Outdoor soundscape recording, Recordings
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