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Gender Differences in Attitudes Toward Mathematics and Achievement in Mathematics

Posted on:2014-04-17Degree:M.S.EType:Thesis
University:Southwest Minnesota State UniversityCandidate:Ronglien, LoriLee AFull Text:PDF
This action research project explored whether there are significant gender differences in elementary and high school students' attitudes toward mathematics, and whether those differences affect their achievement in mathematics. The study was conducted at a small rural school in West Central Minnesota during the 2012/2013 school year. The population consisted of the students who completed the MCA mathematics test in the spring of 2012. The sample of 231 students represented students in fourth through ninth grade and twelfth grade. The participants completed the Attitudes Toward Mathematics Inventory and participated in focus groups to investigate their attitudes toward mathematics. Their achievement in mathematics was gauged by their 2012 MCA mathematics scores and their mathematics GPAs. Analysis of the data consisted of descriptive statistics, Pearson's correlation coefficients, coefficients of determination, and t tests. The findings of this study revealed that elementary males had more positive attitudes and higher achievement in mathematics than females. As students aged, their attitudes toward mathematics became more neutral, and the gender gaps in achievement were not as noticeable. However, for both genders, the students who had positive attitudes toward mathematics achieved higher. Results of this study will raise awareness about gender gaps in mathematics and attitudes toward mathematics.
Keywords/Search Tags:Attitudes toward mathematics, Gender, Achievement, Students
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