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An evaluation of the effects of session distribution on the acquisition, retention, and endurance of material learned using precision teaching

Posted on:2014-11-03Degree:M.AType:Thesis
University:University of South FloridaCandidate:Hasbrouck, Elizabeth GFull Text:PDF
Precision Teaching (PT) is a data-based educational tool that allows individual changes to be made to educational programs based specifically on the needs of the learner. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effect of session distribution on the material learned in the context of a PT intervention program. Typical children, ages 3- to 5-years-old, whom were enrolled in a church-based child development program, participated. The goal of this study was to assess if the administration of PT sessions one day-a-week or five days-a-week effected the acquisition, retention, and endurance of material learned. Results indicate that there was minimal difference in the rate of acquisition, retention, and endurance on the material learned between session distributions for four of the five children.
Keywords/Search Tags:Material learned, Session, Acquisition, Retention, Endurance
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