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Effects of implementing a feedback loop on third graders' attitudes about school

Posted on:2012-08-14Degree:M.A.TType:Thesis
University:Saint Mary's College of CaliforniaCandidate:Gentile, Nicole ReneeFull Text:PDF
The purpose of this study was to assess how obtaining student feedback, through the implementation of a feedback loop, would affect student's attitudes about school and literacy. Drawing on Travis Hirschi's (1969) social control theory, the feedback loop was intended as an instrument for bonding students with school. This action research study collected both quantitative and qualitative data from a third grade classroom in a Title 1 school, in Northern California. A focus group of four students was selected for the feedback loop. Following language arts lessons, the group regularly met with the researcher to provide input and critique on the lessons. These discussions were audiotaped, transcribed, and then synthesized into four major themes. The results of this study indicate that students are capable of giving valuable feedback and that through the participation in the feedback loop the focus group appeared to transform from passive to active learners.
Keywords/Search Tags:Feedback, Attitudes about school
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