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Descriptive narrative: The experience of architecture through writing

Posted on:2005-05-30Degree:M.ArchType:Thesis
University:University of OregonCandidate:Stinson, BenjaminFull Text:PDF
The core of this thesis is the integration of writing into the design processes and thinking of architecture. It defines Descriptive Narrative as a form of writing that taps into the holistic experience of place, providing a multi-sensory and emotive narrative through which design can be studied and portrayed. Building upon the forms of writing that relate to architecture currently and working in parallel with the visual medias strongly coveted by the design world, Descriptive Narrative can fill the gaps left within the expression of design, providing a more holistic understanding of architectural experience. This work identifies where writing currently exists in relation to architecture; to address it as a misunderstood and misrepresented form; to outline the many benefits it could bring to the design process; examine how that might be achieved; and then portray it as it functions within an educational environment.
Keywords/Search Tags:Architecture, Writing, Descriptive narrative, Experience
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