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Bilbao's use of art and culture as a remedy for deindustrialization: The implications of redevelopments homogenous use of public art

Posted on:2012-11-23Degree:M.AType:Thesis
University:University of Southern CaliforniaCandidate:Henning, Jennifer AFull Text:PDF
GTID:2456390011456645Subject:Art criticism
The rise of information technologies, deindustrialization and economic decline were significant contributors to the financial collapse of Bilbao's shipyards and mining operations, which in turn forced the city to undertake a redevelopment plan. This plan would transform the deindustrialized wasteland into a cultural destination for the "global tourist" via recognizable public art, making the city an economic success through the utilization of art as a commercial commodity. Public art within the redevelopment plan of Bilbao, Spain became part of the visual branding elements used as a marketing tool to attract cultural tourism. Based on the region's historic background, the artwork selected for this site should better reflect the cultural heritage and historic nature of the area in which it is located.
Keywords/Search Tags:Art, Public
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